Tuesday, September 11, 2012


what an amazing 5 days and 4 nights i got to spend at a retreat in monterey!
i was put on a waiting list and told chances were slim to none that i would be called...in early august the phone rang it was the lovely sheri...a spot had opened and had my name on it if i so desired... 15 minutes later i was signed up and ready for a journey of a lifetime.
i have never been away by myself in all 46 years...i have never taken a solo road trip...i have never stayed in a room/hotel (cabin) alone. it was time...i packed my bags (many) and loaded up for the adventure!
i arrived having listened to the four agreements on cd ( http://www.amazon.com/The-Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal/dp/1878424319)  and having had an awesome dance party in my car!
30 women at all stages of life were there...women that were called...women who i fell in love with...women who will always be a part of me...our leaders were catherine just http://www.catherinejust.com/ and flora bowley http://www.florasbowley.com/ two women that change lives if you are ready for them to be changed.
it was a photography and art retreat...but really not about photography and art but about life and who we were meant to be and who we can become...it was about learning and getting out of our heads...it was magnificent...it was life changing...i learned that i am so much more than this...i am becoming a better bigger version of myself...i can't wait to find out where this journey leads...but right now nothing is more important than this day...i wear a thumb ring everyday that reminds me of that very fact..thanks to my friend/jewelry designer khobe http://www.studiodelucca.com/
i feel absolutely blessed to be living my life...living in gratitude


  1. From your photos, you look like you were completely enjoying yourself! Glad a space opened up for you!

  2. Woohoo! I've heard about that workshop and it sounds so fabulous - what a great trip for you! Hope to see you again sometime soon!

  3. So amazing to meet you, wish we had more time to get to know one another. Welcome to the blogging world.
    It's amazing that a spot opened up, divine appointment for sure! xo

  4. Welcome to blogging. It's nice to meet you. I loved your blog post. I have not heard of this workshop, but I did go away on a retreat myself also just last month. Awesome feeling when we take time for ourselves. Congratulations.

  5. So happy you started blogging! Now I can keep up with your journey. Great that you got to enjoy a special trip that you so needed to attend for you! I love the photo of your hands covered in paint. Makes me smile every time I see it.
